Save the Date for SOMS 8th Grade Graduation!

June 19th 


Hello 8th Grade Families!


Welcome to your student’s final year at SOMS! We are your HSA 8th Grade Coordinators. Our role is to work with the SOMS 8th Grade Team Leaders to help plan events/field trips, graduation and related events, and mixers with MMS to get our students ready for high school. Our main goal is to find ways to celebrate this last year at SOMS by providing opportunities for our kids to connect and have fun together as safely as possible. 


In order to make the fun events that we are working on for the 8th graders to happen, we will need your support. There will be numerous ways for you to participate, whether it be through volunteering your time, donating goods/services, or providing financial support via the HSA’s school-wide fundraising activities. 


HSA 8th Grade Coordinators:


SOMS 8th Grade Team Leaders:
8A - Lynn McGlotten
8B - Anna Crane
8C - Amy Rowe


Get Connected with the SOMS Community

To stay updated on all 8th grade events, as well as helpful SOMS and district information, please sign up for the HSA email list. The link to sign up is:


Join the SOMS Social Media groups to stay up to date

SOMS HSA Facebook Page 

SOMS Families Facebook Group 

SOMS Instagram 


General SOMS / District Reminders

  • The district PowerSchool web address has changed to Please update your bookmarks. You can also access the link under Quick Links on the district website. The Phone / Mobile apps will not be impacted.
  • If you haven’t completed your district forms yet, you can do so on PowerSchool. Simply log on and go to “Forms” on the left navigation bar.
  • The lunch payment system has transitioned from MyPaymentsPlus to PaySchools Central. Your balance should have transferred over, and you can register for the new system at (Have your child(ren)’s 5-digit student ID ready when you attempt to register them.)
  • If your child is going to be absent, you need to contact the school, not just their homeroom teacher. You can also do this in two ways:
    • Through PowerSchool by clicking “Student Absence Notification” under Attendance on the “Forms” page; or
    • By calling (973) 378-2772, and selecting option 3(the attendance line).

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events and meetings. We are excited to get to work with all of you and to make our kids last year of middle school memorable and fun. If you have any questions, please reach out to any of us. We’re happy to help in any way we can!